The World’s First Overseas Health Resort
Dedicated to Reversing and Preventing Alzheimer’s
There is only one widespread disease on earth that has been recognized for decades as fatal but is incurable by any known drug: Alzheimer’s. There is only one widely respected neurologist who has developed a systematic non-pharmaceutical protocol for its prevention and recovery: Dr. Dale Bredesen, bestselling author of The End of Alzheimer’s. And with this proposal, we introduce the first and only overseas health resort dedicated to reversing and preventing Alzheimer’s based on the Bredesen protocol.
Why Alzheimer Is NOT Unstoppable
Alzheimer’s is a devastating neurodegenerative condition with profound global impact. In the U.S. alone, nearly 7 million Americans aged 65 and older are suffering from the disease, a number projected to double by 2060. Globally, that number could exceed almost 140 million by 2050. Nevertheless, just in the last decade, as many as 200 experimental drugs introduced by the pharmaceutical industry have failed or been abandoned.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that Alzheimer’s is the world’s leading cause of death and disability still lacking curative treatment. And the Alzheimer’s Association admits that, although drugs can temporarily slow it down, they are incapable of stopping its progression. Now, however, for the first time in history, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a clinical trial of a very promising non pharmaceutical protocol for recovery from Alzheimer’s, dementia and cognitive decline.
A world-renowned documentary filmmaker is recording the already-remarkable results for posterity. And what’s perhaps most encouraging, planning has now begun for a major overseas health resort that will make it possible for Alzheimer’s patients from all over the world to implement the protocol without extraordinary costs.
Dr. Dale Bredesen’s Protocol
A Holistic Approach
In 2000, after 40 years of research in the field, Dr. Dale Bredesen, a neurologist and internationally recognised expert on the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, made a radical shift in his approach to Alzheimer’s treatment. He began to realise that an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s might not include a single drug, but instead would have to be a multifaceted approach based on correcting the patient’s individual deficits, as determined by blood tests and factors such as environmental toxins, diet, exercise and sleep. The damaged brain, he discovered, is like a leaky roof with 36 holes that need to be plugged. One by one.

Judy Benjamin
Patient Zero
In 2011, Dr. Bredeson treated his first Alzheimer’s patient with his protocol — Judy Benjamin, diagnosed with the disease when she was 67 years old and fully recovered by the age of 70, thanks to the Bredesen protocol. Now at 80, Judy has not only beaten Alzheimer’s, but actively works as a nationally certified health coach for other Alzheimer patients. With Dr. Bredeson’s help, she has guided hundreds of patients, while gathering valuable new insights about the best ways to implement the protocol.
Challenges of the Bredesen Protocol
However, the greatest challenge of the Bredesen protocol lies not in its deeply researched science and prescriptions, but instead derives from the fact that it invariably requires significant lifestyle changes. That includes not only a ketogenic diet and daily exercise, but also improved sleep patterns, detoxification and brain training, to name just a few of the most important pillars on which the protocol is based. Detoxification is especially important because often mold exposure and heavy metals are implicated in causing the disease.

Unfortunately, very few patients can achieve success without a good caregiver (ideally a spouse or partner), a functional medicine physician trained in the Bredesen protocol, and an experienced health coach to accompany the lifestyle change on a daily basis. Unfortunately, both the patient and the family often feel overwhelmed by the many changes necessary in order to achieve success — learning about their individual treatment plan, switching to a new diet based on organic ingredients, following a specific supplement plan to detoxify the body, while also incorporating meditation plus brain and body exercises into their life.
Another major challenge stems from how the disease develops: It often begins to set in many years before it’s diagnosed. But many patients tend to neglect or underestimate the problem until it’s already in a relatively advanced stage. Once too much brain damage has occurred, it can be difficult to reverse its course. So, the sooner a patient recognizes the early signs of cognitive loss, the easier it is to reverse. That’s why anyone with mild symptoms of cognitive impairment should act immediately, getting easy access to blood tests evaluated by trained physicians and under the guidance of experienced health coaches to intervene early on.
In short, once cognitive impairment is diagnosed, patients and their families must act quickly. Time is brain.

The Solution
The Dr. Bredeson Alzheimer’s Health Resort
The solution is the proposed Dr. Bredesen Neurological Health Resort. The location is one of the most beautiful beach resorts in the Americas with immediate and direct access to a private beach in one of the safest jurisdictions in the world, Uruguay.
The goal: A health center dedicated exclusively to reversing Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders.
The leadership: Under the direction of Dr. Dale Bredesen, Judy Benjamin, plus their team of personally trained health coaches and service providers.
The support team: Ketogenic chefs and organic food providers based on perma-culture on site, ensuring the quality of the food that is key to treatment.
The program: A three-to-six-month retreat, where the patient and a family member learn and adapt to the needed lifestyle changes, with support from advanced therapies, including Vie Light, oxygen therapy, photobiomodulation and other treatment modalities that help reverse cognitive decline.
Outside of the caring and safe environment of this kind of retreat, adopting the needed lifestyle changes would likely cause significant stress precisely at a time when it should be all about reducing stress. However, once guests complete their stay, they can return home and continue with the new routines they have learned so they can retain their recovered cognitive abilities for years to come.
The Alzheimer’s Retreat — a For-Profit Entity
The location covers 9-hectares of beachfront property near Piriapolis and Punta del Este, considered the Monaco of South America. A second location will be nearby MINAS (Lavalleja), a very important tourist town in the interior of the country, just an hour from the beachfront retreat. This venue – EL ABRA – consists of 80 hectares of the most fertile land. It has water sources and a perma culture farm where the guests can learn how food grows in a ecological friendly and sustainable way. El Abra is one of the most beautiful and unspoilt spots in Uruguay.
The two venues will form the first Alzheimer’s retreat of its kind.
We anticipate virtually unlimited demand due to (a) the rapidly increasing number of people experiencing cognitive decline,(b) increased frustration with the lack of effective treatment options, and (c) the extremely high cost of health resorts in the U.S. and Europe. Indeed, comparable high-end health centers charge up to USD $80,000 per month, making them inaccessible to more than a select few. Thanks to its location and the concept explained below, the Retreat will help open access to a much broader range of guests while still providing the potential for very attractive profit margins.
We are committed to making this revolutionary approach to Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases like Parkinson available to everyone. And with that goal foremost in mind, the plan is to reserve one additional free or subsidized place per paying guest for those who cannot afford the full treatment cost.
In the first phase, we plan to host up to 30 guests, each accompanied by one family member. We can already see telltale signs of a long waiting list. Thus, the plan is to expand the facility as soon as possible and open similar facilities in other locations in the near future.
Patient Zero: Judy Benjamin’s Awareness Walk Across America
To raise awareness about this new therapeutic approach and increase accessibility to everyone, Dr. Bredesen’s famous patient zero will walk across America from coast to coast in April 2025 to draw attention to Dr. Bredeson’s protocol by sharing her amazing recovery story. Thanks to private sponsors and a US based longterm care insurance company, she is slated to appear nationally on TV talk shows, media outlets, and influencer podcasts to tell her personal story, and raise funds to further support those who lack the financial means for treatment.
A Documentary about the World’s First Clinical Trials
Supporting this plan in a major way is a documentary about the large-scale Bredesen Protocol currently ongoing clinical trial.
Marcus Vetter and Sol Tryon, award-winning filmmakers from Germany and the U.S., are already meticulously documenting the clinical trial, covering 120 patients at five centers in the United States. With Dr. Bredesen and Judy Benjamin as one of the primary protagonists, the film is funded by ARTE, a prestigious Franco-German cultural channel, as well as several public agencies and private sponsors. It will be released on TV, online and in cinemas around the world in 2027 and is expected to play a major role in spreading the message about the protocol, the health resort and their success.